People's Intentions Revealed!

How to Discover The Intentions of Everyone, In Every Relationship, Everytime!

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We have to admit that we live in a world, full of people who are willing to do anything to achieve
their purpose! Their goal, their dream or something important of them!

This is a very uncomfortable situation when you have to understand what is going on between
you and another person, or other people!

It's really important to know if someone
(who can be a salesman, your sister, a colleague, your boss, a group of people generally)

put their interest above your interest and your life becomes instantly difficult!!

If you are tired of loosing in relationships, then this course will be a great guide to change instantly your life!

You only need to be careful in every lecture of this course, to take notes, to focus on the situation

that you want to change and to take action! Simple as that!

These strategies are useful only if you try to take them to your advantage!

The most important of all is to look inside you and decide that you really need to take action.

This happens only if your mind decides it.
Some of you are already ready and other of you need time to accept a bad situation for you.

I hope that you take this course because you are determined to take action because something or someone bothers you!!

Your Instructor

George Servos
George Servos

Let me share my personal quick story with you!

Three questions made me curious about life, from an early age:

1) How does my intuition work?
2) Why do i have to stick with it?
3) Is it possible to achieve my dreams? (because i had plenty of that)

In my teenage life, i had to decide about college studies.
So, it was the first time that i had to think about my professional future. To be honest,
that was stressful and confusing. The only thing, that i knew to do well, was.. Playing Basketball...!

These three questions remained and i had 5 years in College to focus to my Chemistry studies
and to focus to my other dreams.

So, one day i wrote a book ,or kind of, like a diary and i decided how life is in every aspect of it.

I mean : (Politics, Economy, Education , Relationships, Career, Inner-self, Self-Improvement).

I spent 5 years in College and all my predictions about life were wrong!

Everything that i believed about people and about myself, in fact were wrong!

It was painful to think that you knew everything. It was painful to think
that you understand everyone and every situation that comes to life.

The truth was that i had a big imagination. I had specific beliefs about
facts, people, relationships and situations.
I didn't make any research to understand better myself and the facts.

So, my predictions in life were false and i had to stop this behaviour.
It wasn't useful to my life, to act like that.

The College Degree, was a great opportunity to free myself for those beliefs
and to make a new beginning!

The first step was a job. Or jobs. (I needed some cash).
The second step was, further studies. What do i mean?

Studies about my interests, my passions and my dreams.
(I Couldn't say that i didn't love Chemistry but i was so curious about many other things.)

I was lucky enough because i had the opportunity to find informations and books online.
It was 2006 and the explosion of World Wide Web, was there for me!!!
(Don't laugh, because i was in Greece at that time.)

The past 10 years of my life, were amazing because i changed completely as a person!
Also, i found the answers to the questions that i had.

I finally realised, (and it took me a couple of years to accept it) that i had great skills in communication.

I have the ability to talk to other people and i have the ability to change the perspective of their thoughts!
That is really amazing! It is something that gives meaning to my life. It is more than a passion.

I own everything to the knowledge of Social Psychology Skills, NLP techniques and Mindset Programming.

I need to mention some names for you to understand better what kind of people taught me and influenced me:

<<David Lieberman, David Burns, Daniel Goleman, Paul Gilbert, Peter Kramer, Aaron Beck, John Assaraf, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Charles Haanel, Steve G.Jones, Allan Pease, Robert Kiyosaki and many more ...>>

The great thing is that we live in an era that we already have all the wisdom of the last 150 years!

Politics, Economy, Psychology, Marketing, Career is in front of you
in your local bookstore or in your personal computer!

It's really fascinating that a lot of those great teachers of the 20th century,
had more or less the same solutions about the same questions! In other words, the same perspective,
the same lifestyle and the same wisdom as human beings.

That's why i wanted to create the <Mindination Courses> .

Mindination = Mind + imagination , so i played with 2 words to create a 'course series' to help you improve your life and to take it to the next level, because there are so many levels to improve that you could not believe it!

We live in the era of the <Mind Explosion> and the success stories of a lot of people are in daily basis. We have technology, we have medicine, we know how the brain works, so imagine yourself how fan you can go!

Well, it's normal to have questions, it is normal for you to feel insecure but i can assure you that i will help you discover all those questions!

George Servos

Founder of Mindination

Frequently Asked Questions

Why this course is short?
Well, i have to say that the purpose of the course is to actually help you and not to impress you. The content is specific and it wants to motivate you to take action! The content provides information about strategies you must use! It is an educational course but the psychological background is real. So, i tried to do it specific and efficient!
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. There is no limitation. I would like to have a pure and warm relationship with the students because i know what it takes to change your mind and your life!
How long do i need to see actual results?
Well, it depends! You can see immediate results if you start practice the stategies included in the course. You have to realize every single of the occasions. You have to search and investigate these occasions. If you do nothing, this course will be not useful. You have your own life and you want improvement in your relationships! It is your chance! The course is a tool, you are the master of your life!
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Your enrollment to the course is absolutely free and i am confident that there is a good chance to meet each other better. My goal is to find this course useful. If you are unhappy, you can message me for your suggestions! That is a good idea, isn't it?

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